Clubs & Groups

Do you have a passion for traveling or cooking, maybe it's model cars or tennis? Start a Special Interest Group to meet neighbors who share your interests! To begin, fill out this form and submit it to the DWUP Lifestyle Director.
Special Interest Groups are open to all Del Webb at Union Park homeowners. Review the Special Interest Group guidelines here.
Current Special Interest Groups:
American History Group
Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of every month from 10:00am-11:30am, except December
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: Meet with neighbors to learn about and discuss American historical events.
Contact: Jeff Meek 
American Mah Jongg
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30pm-4:30pm
2nd & 4th Sunday, 6 PM
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: Meet with neighbors to play American Mah Jongg.
Beading Buddies
Meeting Time: 4th Friday every month from 10-11:30 am
Contact: Sue Maycock
Bid, Whist, & Spades
Meeting Time: 3rd Friday & 4th Saturday from 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: Bid Whist & Spades is a card playing group where residents come together to play games and learn how to play.
Bridge Club 
Meeting Time: 2nd & 3rd Mondays at 1pm
Meeting Location: Activity Room A
Bridge group meets on the 2nd and 3rd Monday in the Amenity Center Activity Room A
Bocce Ball Buddies
Meeting Time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4:00pm 
Meeting Location: Bocce Courts
Description: Bocce Ball Buddies is a casual and informal play group. This group is welcoming and ready to accept new bocce ball players, no matter your skill level.
Contact: Tom Stallone
Bunco Group
Meeting Time: 1st Monday of every month from 2:00pm-4:00pm, 3rd Thursday of every month from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Rooms
Description: Bunco group meets twice a month for a friendly game of Bunco. A signup link will be sent out 1 week before each meeting to the club’s email list. We have a limit of 52 players each session. Bring either a $5 bill or 5 $1 bills to add to the winner's pot! Advance registration via TICKETLEAP is required. The registration link is . See the Lifestyle Calendar for exact dates or the above link. 
Card Bingo
Meeting Time: 2nd Saturday of every month at 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM.
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Cost: 9 Quarters & $1 Bill
Description: New to card Bingo? It's an easy, fast paced game. Don't let that scare you though, anyone can play. Please note that there will be no online sign-up. Seating is limited to 76 attendees and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis when the doors open at 6:30 PM. We look forward to seeing you there!
*Card Bingo is a BYOB event.
Contact: LaVon Crigger
Community Galas
Meeting Time: 1st Sunday from 4 - 6 PM
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: Community Galas hosts monthly gatherings to honor resident birthdays, anniversaries, and other special milestones. Please bring appetizer/hors d’oeuvres/finger food only. Cake, paper products and utensils are provided by generous member donations. 
Crafty Pals
Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Monday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: Crafty Pal’s goal is to encourage community in Del Webb Union Park through crafts and friendship.
Contact: Nola Hinton
Chinese Mah Jongg
Meeting Time: 1st Friday from 2 - 5 PM and 4th Sunday from 1 - 4 PM
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: A game commonly played with friends and family providing endless fun and nurturing relationships. Come play! 
Contact: Betty Chi
Del Webb at Union Park Veterans
Meeting Time: 1st Monday of every month from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room B
Description: An organization for veterans support, information, social events, and service to our community.
Contact: Mike Hinton
Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays every moth at 7:00pm
Food with Friends
Meeting Time: 2nd Friday every month at 6:00pm
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: Food with Friends is a casual dinner group that meets on the second Friday of each month at 6:00 pm for good food, fun and fellowship with friends both old and new.  We each bring a dish to share based on a theme chosen by the hostess for the month. Each person brings their own dinnerware, utensils and beverage. Come join us for our next dinner. We always welcome new friends! 
Hand, Knee & Foot Card Group
Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 12:00pm-4:00pm
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: Hand, Knee and Foot is a popular variation from the rummy type game of Canasta. It can be described as a simpler, easier version of Canasta for beginners. Come play with us! Never played before? No problem! Contact Janice for a tutorial.
Neighborhood Watch
Meeting Time: Bi-Monthly, the third Wednesday from 10:00am-11:30am.
Meeting Location:  Activities room A & B
Description:  Come join us as we discuss proactive approaches to avoid and prevent crime situations within and outside of our community, preparation for weather or disaster events, home safety, common maintenance and inventory strategies, and cybercrime, fraud and scams avoidance techniques and resources.
Mexican Train
Meeting Time: 2nd Monday 1 pm and 4th Monday at 6:30pm
Meeting Location:  Activity room B
Description:  Join a fun game of Dominos in our game of Mexican Train! Never played? no problem, come learn this fun fast-paced game and meet new friends!
Contact:  Art Souza
Pickle Ball Group
Meeting Time: Daily play, times depend on skill level and level of competition. See schedules posted on the Pickle Ball Courts. 
Poker Group
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 7:00pm-10:00pm
Meeting Location: Amenity Center Activity Room A
Description: Come play poker with neighbors! $10 or $20 buy-in, with winner take all.
Contact: Charlie Kraft
Read UP Book Club
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:00am
Meeting Location: Activity Room B
Description: Join with your fellow residents to have discussions, laugh, and meet new people! Members will independently read the book selected for each month, and then gather together for an engaging book discussion. 
Singles Group
Meeting Time: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Meeting Location: Activity Room A
Are you a DWUP single that wants to meet other singles? The DWUP Singles Group is here to bring singles together to participate in activities and friendship! 
Sewing Machine Group (Piece Makers)
Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday at 10am-1pm and 1st Saturday 1-4pm.
Meeting Location: Activity Room A
Description: Bring your sewing machine to work on your individual projects and engage in great conversation with your neighbors!
Contact: Karin Tracy
Strum & Hum
Meeting Time: 2nd and 4th Thursday at 10:30am
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: Guitar players, singers, and other musicians play and sing a variety of songs by group members. The focus is primarily for acoustic guitars but there is space for all you music lovers! All skill levels are welcome - from beginner to virtuoso!
Contact: Bradford Onstad
Tennis Club
Meeting Time: Every Thursday at 4 PM
Meeting Location: Tennis Courts
Description: Serve up some fun with your fellow tennis enthusiasts! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, all skill levels are welcome. The group is always excited to meet and welcome new players—come join the game!
Wandering Webbers
Meeting Times: 3rd Monday every month at 7:00pm
Meeting Location: Activity Room
The Wandering Webbers Travel Club is composed of DWUP residents who are interested in traveling.  The purpose of the club is to present travel opportunities and facilitate residents traveling together.  There is no limit to the scope of the travel locations, anywhere in the world, near or far is a possibility.  Slides presented in our meetings fall into three categories : 
1.  Potential trips that we hope would be of interest to members
2.  Trips already booked by one or more DWUP residents who are inviting others to join them.
3.  Photos of past trips taken by DWUP residents
Frequently we also have guest speakers consisting of travel agents and representatives of travel companies.
Come join us, all are welcome! 
Water Works
Meeting Times: Monday - Saturday at 9 AM During Peak Pool Season
Meeting Location: Community Pool
Description: Resident ran water aerobics fitness class.
Webbers Care
Meeting Time: 2nd Monday and 4th Tuesday of every month at 10 AM
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: This group is committed in helping the community by providing meals for those that are sick, recovering from surgeries, or have had a loss of a loved one.
Weight Loss Support Group
Meeting Time: Every Thursday of the month at 9 AM
Meeting Location: Coffee Bar
Description: We meet to encourage, share recipes, and recognize progress of those who are actively trying to lose weight or are trying to maintain current weight loss.
Contact: Cheryl Busby
Wine Club
Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM
Meeting Location: Activity Room
Description: This group educates & trials different styles & varieties of wine.
Don't see a Special Interest Group that matches your interests? Start one of your own! To begin, fill out this form and submit it to the DWUP Lifestyle Director.

Visit Us:

7600 Del Webb Blvd
Little Elm, TX 76227

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